Delivering to you

highly professional, transparent & reliable
We are transportation professionals with expertise in strategic management planing, business development, training, railway infrastructure & operations and procurement processes.

Our core services:

  • Strategic advice in the areas of O&M, railway system integration and program delivery
  • Supply Chain Transparency with the support of track&tracing technology (e.g. for spare parts, asset management)
  • Compliance/ quality and safety management system incl. reporting & auditing
  • Safety Leadership and Management, HOF Training (according EU 798/2016) & training development
  • Procurement option analysis and delivery models
  • Financial, economic and business modelling
  • Tendering: RFP/RFQ/ EOI
  • Railway operations & management solutions
  • Providing experts on a short-term basis in various rail and transit disciplines 

Training Services

  • HOF/ MOF Human Organisational Factors Training for Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure Managers (Duration: 1-2.5 Days)
  • Safety Management System Training acc. EU 798/2016
  • Train-the-Trainer Course (2.5-5 days)

In aviation, so-called CRM (Crew Resource Management) training has been mandatory for operational personnel for decades. A conference between NASA and various aviation companies in the 1970s is regarded as the origin of this training and communication approach. 

Accident investigations show that people, especially as part of organisational structures, are the cause of a large number of accidents. This is also especially true in rail transport.

That is why such training is became mandatory in the railway sector under Directive EU 798/2016. It goes hand in hand with the requirement for a safety management system for infrastructure managers (IM) and railway undertakings (RU).

But other industries also benefit from such training, as it not only helps to reduce the number of accidents (and therefore the subsequent costs: loss of experienced team members, damage claims, loss of reputation, etc.). It also encourages employees not only to actively learn and practice safety, but also to improve processes and thus increase their efficiency. Employee participation in turn creates a sense of belonging and identification with the company.

After all, according to the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation), the safest companies are also the most efficient.

Contact us. Based on our standard training package (course duration: 1-2.5 days), we are also happy to develop a training course specifically for your company – as envisaged by the ERA/ Regulation. Our trainers have also completed the ERA – Safety Leadership Training in Valenciennes.

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